Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

We are here to help.
Over 30 years of experience in mental health support in the Northern Territory

Supporting Mental Wellness & Recovery

National Recovery Framework
MIFANT operates in line with the key principles of the National Recovery Framework. MIFANT recognises that recovery does not necessarily mean cure but is about having opportunities for choices and living a meaningful, satisfying and purposeful life and being a valued member of the community.
Consequently, our services and programs focus on supports that are person-centered, holistic, and strengths-based. This includes empowering participants to make their own choices about how they want to lead their lives and acknowledges choices need to be meaningful and creatively explored.
As an organisation that is accredited against the National Standards for Mental Health Services which incorporates the National Recovery Framework, MIFANT is continually evaluated against recovery best practices.
Check out some of our current News & Events

91% of adults had a positive experience at MIFANT

56% of all individuals supported by MIFANT identify as
First Nations people

69% of MiTrack youth
participants identify as
First Nations people